Consulting at The Newry Private Clinic & Orthoderm Private Medical Clinic
Men's health

Prostate Cancer Concerns
Prostate cancer is one of those things that many men put off having checked out. If you are concerned about your family history or if you have concerns about the risk of developing prostate cancer Mr Glackin can discuss with you the pros and cons of investigation for this common disease.
The initial step is to understand your concerns, your general health, your lifestyle and your outlook on life. Examination of the prostate and a simple blood test, prostate specific antigen (PSA), will help guide the investigation process. You may require an ultrasound scan to check prostate size and bladder emptying. An MRI scan of the prostate may be needed to assess for abnormality before considering a biopsy of the prostate under local anaesthetic.
Book an appointment to have a complete assessment and treatment plan. Call The Newry Private Clinic on 028 3025 7708.
Prostate or Bladder Complaints
Many men experience trouble with their waterworks. This common complaint can be assessed and treated by Mr Glackin Consultant Urologist. Symptoms such as running to the toilet frequently, leaking urine, discomfort passing urine and a poor urine flow might be disrupting your quality of life.
Treatments include lifestyle advice, medication for some patients and surgery only when needed. Mr Glackin can offer prostate surgery with the latest technology including bipolar TURP and green light laser vaporisation for large prostates.
Book an appointment to have a complete assessment and treatment plan. Call The Newry Private Clinic on 028 3025 7708.
Problems with Erections.
Erectile dysfunction is a common reason to seek the help of a Urologist. Mr Glackin Consultant Urologist can help you deal with your concerns in a sympathetic and professional manner. A complete assessment of your risk factors for erectile dysfunction is required to make a personal treatment plan to put your sex life back on track. Effective treatments are available to men of all ages. Don’t delay seek help. Call The Newry Private Clinic on 028 3025 7708.
Blood in the Urine
If you see blood in your urine you should have it checked out promptly, don’t ignore this important symptom. There are lots of potential causes of blood in the urine including kidney stones, urinary infection and most importantly cancer in the urinary system. Mr Glackin Consultant Urologist is an expert in the investigation of this common complaint. A few tests can go a long way to help diagnose the cause of the bleeding. The initial step is to understand your concerns, your general health, and your lifestyle. You may need an ultrasound scan or CT scan which can be arranged locally. Most patients will need a flexible telescope examination of the bladder which is available with Mr Glackin and is very well tolerated under local anaesthetic. Book an appointment to have a complete assessment and treatment plan. Call The Newry Private Clinic on 028 3025 7708.